Thursday, December 26, 2019
Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty...
Chapter 5: Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty GENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONS Multiple Choice 1. ________ are adept at building customer relationships, not just products; they are skilled in market engineering, not just product engineering. a. Profit-centered companies b. Customer-centered companies c. Production-centered companies d. Sales-centered companies e. Promotion-centered companies Answer: b Page: 119 Difficulty: Easy AACSB: Reflective Thinking 2. The opening vignette on Ritz-Carlton shows that successful marketers are the ones that fully ________. a. understand promotional strategy b. diversify their product line c. divorce themselves from a production mentality d. satisfy their†¦show more content†¦customer attitude and salesperson’s attitude Answer: b Page: 124 Difficulty: Hard AACSB: Reflective Thinking 12. The ultimate goal of the customer-centered firm is ________. a. high customer satisfaction b. high profits c. low costs d. maximum stakeholder satisfaction e. none of the above Answer: e Pages: 124–125 Difficulty: Hard AACSB: Reflective Thinking 13. Buyers form their expectations from all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. past buying experience b. friends and associates advice c. marketers’ information d. competitors’ information e. governmental newsletters Answer: e Page: 125 Difficulty: Easy AACSB: Analytic Skills 14. A customer’s decision to be loyal or to defect is the sum of many small encounters with the company. In order for all these small encounters to add up to customer loyalty, many companies, such as Joie de Vivre Hospitality, strive to create ________. a. a reward program b. a comprehensive customer database c. a branded customer experience d. strong word-of-mouth promotions e. a top-notch advertising campaign Answer: c Page: 125 Difficulty: Hard AACSB: Reflective Thinking 15. One key to customer retention is ________. It would be wise for a company to measure this factor frequently. a. heavy promotion b. deep discounts for intermediaries c. to have an ethics officer d. customer satisfaction e. to have customers on the board of directors Answer:Show MoreRelatedCustomer Retention Strategies At Mcdonald s Corporations1502 Words  | 7 PagesAn Analysis of the customer retention strategies at McDonald s corporations 1b What is the issue/problem that your proposal addresses and why is it important to the reader? 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Treaty Of Versailles During World War II Essay
After years of extreme devastation and gruesome bloodshed, World War I concluded on November 11th, 1918 as the Allied Powers claimed victory and the Axis Powers accepted defeat. In order to promote peace, finalize the outcome and prevent another large scale war, the victorious Allied Powers created a treaty, the Treaty of Versailles. Under the terms and conditions of the Treaty of Versailles, Germany and its allies were harshly sanctioned. Germany, viewed by the Allied Powers as the primary inciter of World War I, received the worst repercussions and was forced to single-handedly bear the financial burden of paying for the entire war. Leaving Germany, an already depleted country, accountable for all war reparations sent them into deep depression and great desperation. Ultimately, Germany’s deplorable state led the nation to turn to the infamous radical leader, Adolf Hitler, who provoked World War II. Terrifyingly identical to World War I, World War II was a total war between the superpowers of the world, the Allies and the Axis Powers. The horrific destruction and carnage that swept over Europe cost tens of millions of people their lives. The United States’ involvement in World War II began after December 7th, 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and killed thousands of American soldiers and sailors. As Germany had placed their hopes in Adolf Hitler who promised a better future, the United States placed their democratic and pluralistic ideals into the war effort to save theShow MoreRelatedWar I And World War II919 Words  | 4 Pageshistorians debate rather World War I and World War II were two different parts to the same war or if they are separate and distinct wars. Even though World War I and World War II were very different wars, and there were many years in between the two, the outcomes of World War I caused for World War II to happen because of unresolved issues . World War II is a continuation of World War I. World War I lasted four years and was the first total war in history. Before World War I Europe was doing wellRead MoreThe Treaty of Versailles1684 Words  | 7 PagesInvestigation The Treaty of Versailles was created to bring peace between nations after WWI. This investigation will answer the following question: To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles bring peace? In this investigation, the extent of the Versailles Treaty’s success will be evaluated by examining the period of its development, 1918, to the rise of Hitler, 1933. Several sources were used in this investigation including a number of books that look at the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and the reactionsRead MoreWorld War I And The Treaty Of Versailles1604 Words  | 7 Pageswondered why World War II happened despite World War I being the war to end all wars? World War I lasted four years and was very gruesome. Much of the Western Front was destroyed and about 10 million people died. Germany ended the war by ceasing fire and making an armistice on November 11, 1918. The Allied Power had successfully defeated the Central Powers and America had accomplished their goal to end the war . After the surrender from Germany, the Allied Power met up to make a treaty with GermanyRead MoreThe Treaty Of Versailles Ended World War I1708 Words  | 7 Pages The Second World War took approximately 50,000,000 to 60,000,000 lives (â€Å"World War II†). But this total does not include the millions not accounted for, many of them infants. The war had many causes, but the vast fault lay on a piece of writing from twenty years before the war even started. The Treaty of Versailles ended World War I but instigated the events that led up to World War II. Because the treaty of Versailles was so harsh on Germany, the effects of those terms allowed the Nazi partyRead MoreThe Declaration Of The Treaty Of Versailles1133 Words  | 5 Pages World War II ended in 1945, but it affected so many people that it is taught in schools; the thought of having another World War is terrifying. Imagine having the world thrown into that much chaos, causing so much destruction again. To avoid another World War people need to learn what caused them. The whole purpose of the Treaty of Versailles was to promote peace and stop the wars, but in the end all it did was create another World War. Many predicted the result of the weak treaty, butRead MorePutzier 1. Tessa Putzier. Ms. Jeanne Bitz . Language Arts.1293 Words  | 6 PagesOf World War Two On June, 28 1919, the Treaty of Versailles was signed. This treaty coupled with other factors, such as the Nazis rise to power in Germany, Europe’s policy of appeasement, and Germany’s invasion of Poland would lead to - and be direct causes of - World War II. In fact, when French military commander Marshal Foch heard of the signing of the Treaty of Versailles, her observed with extreme accuracy - â€Å"This is not Peace. It is an Armistice for 20 years.†(Churchill, 7) World War I officiallyRead MoreThe Causes Of World War II1134 Words  | 5 PagesThe Causes of World War II: The seeds of world war II lies in the instability created by world war I. particularly the instability in Germany in the economic and political conditions due to the harshness of the Versailles treaty and as a result the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party The effects of the treaty of Versailles: The treaty of Versailles harshness was one of the main causes for the outbreak of World War II. It began in 1919 when Lloyd George of England, Orlando of Italy, ClemenceauRead MoreThe Reasons For The Outbreak Of The Second World War1444 Words  | 6 PagesThe reasons for The Outbreak of The Second World War World War II lasted from 1939-1945, but there were a number of circumstances leading up to the beginning of World War II. It involved the majority of the nations in the world in which they formed two military alliances. Those alliances were the allies and axis. In a state of total war, World War II was the most deadly war in history. This war was caused there was a violation of the Treaty of Versailles from WWI. Then, there was the expansion ofRead MoreCauses And Consequences Of World War II908 Words  | 4 PagesOf all the wars that the world has seen happen, none have been more catastrophic than the terrible world war II. But what were the causes of this war? There were many causes to World War II, although there were four true causes: anger over the Versailles Treaty, Fascism and its increase in the European countries, and the nitrous goals of Adolf Hitler combined with the isolationism of America and Britain from war. With all of these main causes combined together, the will create the most devastatingRead MoreEssay on The Causes of World War II1106 Words  | 5 PagesFrom the Treaty of Versailles, to the rise of Hitler, and the failure of the League of Nations, there were many causes that lead up to World War II. World War I left Germany with many shortfalls, thus leaving them in the hands of the Treaty of Versailles. Rather unfair of a Treaty, this left Germany once again looking for another way out. A country resented by many had no other choice but to feel optimistic toward Adolph Hitlers empty promises†¦ making it substantially simple for him to gain power
Monday, December 9, 2019
Civil Engineering Practice for Risk Management- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theCivil Engineering Practice for Risk Management. Answer: Uncertainties are a common occurrence in any construction project and thus call for readiness and strategies that would ensure such risks are effectively contained. Risks have an overall effect on the goals of the project and could either be of positive or negative potential(Monoharan, 2012). Either potential is an important concept since it is natural to be trapped into risks with negative effects. On the other hand, risks that create positive opportunities tend to make a project more streamlined, smarter and also more profitable to the project developer. For the successful management of risks, five basic steps can be followed. These steps would ensure effective control and management of the uncertainties as to and when they occur. The likelihood and the consequences of a risk are the main determinants of the magnitude of any risk. Among the risk management processes include(Goodman, 2016); Identification of the Risk: This is the initial step in the risk management process. It involves uncovering, acknowledging as well as defining uncertainties that are likely to affect the development of the commercial project or its outcomes. Identification of risks can be done through various techniques. The company would start preparing its Project Risk Register in which is documented the already identified potential risks and their likely extent of impact on the project development(Andresen, 2010). Analysis of the risks: upon identification of the potential risks, the consequences of each of the risks are determined besides their chances of occurrence(Frigenti, 2012). From such information, the company would be having an in-depth understanding of the nature of the potential risks and how much they would be able to impact on the objectives and the goals of the project. This data is also documented in the Project Risk Register. Ranking the Risk: the risk magnitude is a fundamental aspect in the evaluation of the magnitude of the risks. The magnitude of the risk is determined by the interaction of the consequences in case of occurrence and the likelihood of the occurrence of the risk. Such an interaction is important in determining whether the risk would be acceptable should it occur or there is a serious reason to believe that its occurrence would have such heavy impacts that raise the need of a treatment. In ranking risks, the company would take into consideration the likelihood and consequence considerations of the risks(Hillson D., 2012). Treating the Risk: The company would assess the risks ranked highest and come up with a working plan on how to treat or change the risks in such a way that they can be too acceptable levels. It would involve lowering the chances of occurrences of the negative risks and at the same time increasing opportunities or positive risks. During this process, strategies for risk mitigation, contingency plans and plans aimed at preventing the risks are created. Risks ranked highest or most serious are added to the Project Risk Register. Monitoring and Reviewing Risks: The Project Risk Register is deployed in the thus process and used in the monitoring and reviewing of the risks. At this stage, the risks recorded and reviewed, their occurrences and corresponding consequences monitored to find out any chances of improvements that can be made(Mawby, 2015). Quality Management Involves activities and processes that ensure the needs and purpose for which the project is undertaken taken are satisfied. It encompasses those activities along the overall management line aimed at determining the objectives, quality of policy as well as the responsibilities of the management in the success of the project(Kloppenborg, 2012). These activities are implemented through such mechanisms as quality improvement, quality control, quality planning and quality assurance a contained within the quality system. In order to ensure the company successfully meets the quality management requirement of the project development, the following major processes for quality management would be undertaken; Quality control: The Company would monitor certain results of the project to find out if such results are in compliant with the set-out quality standards. Those that do not meet the quality standards are to be eliminated on the basis of failing to meet the satisfactory performance standards. Quality control would ensure that quality is maintained throughout the project development phases(Hillson D. D., 2012). Quality planning: The company, with the help of the available regulations and building codes of the specific task would identify the quality standards that need to be met during the development process. In this process, the company would also determine how it would ensure it meets the quality standards that are set out. This would ensure the construction goes on uninterrupted and that unsatisfactory performance that would lead to any additional costs is avoided. Quality assurance: This is where the company would be conducting an evaluation of the overall performance of the project as frequently as possible. This is done to build confidence in the different phases of the project and ascertain that the project will meet the relevant quality standards up to and upon completion(Mansor, 2012). Each of the processes above interacts with each other and requires that the company have a team of professionals or individuals who would interject as much effort as would be deemed fit by the nature of the project. Each of the processes would take place at least once at every stage of the development of the project hence the need for the professionals at every stage of development. Along the line of quality planning, the company would consider such factors as schedule or cost adjustments or even a comprehensive analysis of a risk in an identified problem in order to meet the desired quality of management(Wilson, 2012). In order to achieve the required levels of grade and quality, the company team responsible for the management of the project would familiarize itself with complements of modern quality management that complement the modern project. Besides that the company would attach importance to satisfaction of customers, processes within phases, prevention as opposed to inspection and management responsibility. The company would comprehend, manage and influence the quality needs in such a way that they meet or even exceed the expectations of the client(Nohe, 2011). This would call for conformity to the specifications for project development i.e. the project has to generate what it is said it would generate and safety for use which insinuates the project has to meet the real needs for which it was developed(Persse, 2010). On management responsibility, all the members of the form the company tasked with the management of the project would have to take an active role to ensure successful delivery even though the management is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring all the required resources are availed to facilitate delivery. It is less expensive to avoid mistakes than correcting them thereby promoting the prevention as opposed to inspection philosophy. Efficiency Efficiency in project management is all about doing things in the most cost-effective way that would see the overall project cost reflect the value for money injected into the project. Economical projects would are attractive to consumers and would thus ensure the client does not incur losses as a result of the development(Goodman, 2016). In order to achieve efficiency, the project team management from the company would; Do away with any unnecessary costs affiliated with the project, ensuring the work is done in such a way minimal cost is incurred while quality is maintained. The project manager of the company would ensure the project is kept under the allocated budget and ensure the budget does not grow out of control. Still, efficient project management from the company would ensure there is the efficiency of work by the contracted contractors and ascertain that the highest quality of work is delivered at the best cost(Rose, 2014). This would be achieved through the collection of bids from the most qualified bidders. Another way through which the company would ensure efficiency is by ensuring it hits the set-out deadline and keeping the project goals within sight. The use of technology and software would see this a success by enabling the company to keep on target the project and meet the goals and objectives as set out. The company would acknowledge the fact that the client is likely to lose a lot of money should part of or the whole of the project gets off schedule. Generally speaking, efficiency in the management of the project would see the company complete the project on time, at the highest quality and within the provided budget. The company would be able to ensure the project is under full control however much inefficient or unfocused the project began thereby saving the client of any financial losses(Wilson, 2012). In conclusion, the successful management of any project is not rocket science but instead an integration of the various aspects of management that occur at various stages of the project development. Commitment and focus by the project management team would see the project meet the required specifications as well as hit the fitness for use target of the client. The various project management phases are adequately followed would ensure a cost-effective and successful project. Client satisfaction and meeting the specific quality standards of the project form the basis of operation of the project management team. References Andresen, M. A. (2010). The Process of Risk Management for Projects. London: GRIN Verlag. Frigenti, E. (2012). Practice of Project Management. Oxford: Kogan Page Publishers. Goodman, F. A. (2016). Process-Based Software Project Management. New York: CRC Press. Hillson, D. (2012). Practical Project Risk Management: The ATOM Methodology, Second Edition. Washington DC: Management Concepts Inc. Hillson, D. D. (2012). Managing Risk in Projects. Paris: Gower Publishing, Ltd. KENDRICK, T. (2009). Identifying and Managing Project Risk: Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project. London: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Kloppenborg, T. J. (2012). Managing Project Quality. New York: Management Concepts Inc. Mansor, Z. B. (2012). Project Quality Management Planning Practices in IT Projects. Beijing: GRIN Verlag. Mawby, W. D. (2015). Decision Process Quality Management. Manchester: ASQ Quality Press. Monoharan, K. (2012). Review on Project Quality Management Planning: Software Quality Planning. Salt Lake: GRIN Verlag. Nohe, M. (2011). Implementation of Quality Control Measures in Project Management and Its Impact on Customer Satisfaction. New York: GRIN Verlag. Persse, J. (2010). Project Management Success with CMMI: Seven CMMI Process Areas. Berlin: Pearson Education. Rose, K. (2014). Project Quality Management: Why, What and How. Manchester: J. Ross Publishing, Incorporated. Royer, P. S. (2010). Project Risk Management: A Proactive Approach. New Delhi: Management Concepts Inc. Wilson, R. (2012). The Operations Manager's Toolbox: Using the Best Project Management Techniques to Improve Processes and Maximize Efficiency. New York: FT Press. Wysocki, R. K. (2014). Project Management Process Improvement. Chicago: Artech House.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Why is society a social construct
Introduction Social construct is concerned with the manner in which people learn knowledge and beliefs through socialization. As people interact, they learn conceptions and expectations which are associated with their gender. These concepts and expectations usually extend to all aspects of social life and society. People develop new political attitudes, feelings and perceptions about others as a result of socialization. The following is a culture and socialization essay that explains why society exists as a social construct.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Why is society a social construct specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Why is society a social construct? Society exists as a social construct due to factors like gender, race matters, class and education among others. With regards to gender, every society classifies its members into ‘women’ and ‘men’. These classifications determine the r oles played by each gender. The psychological and social characteristics that are associated with being a male or a female play a major role of shaping the people’s expectations. It determines the manner in which people interact with each other. Gender also affects people’s interests and abilities in the society. Gender identity shapes norms and expectations because it determines the behaviors of societal members. For instance, boys are known to use threats and commands in all-male groups as compared to a situation where both men and women exist. Also, men are known to be more rebellious as compared to girls. Women on the other hand, tend to be more submissive than men. The agents of gender socialization include family interactions, schooling and mass media among others (Schaefer Richard, 2008, P. 178). People’s lives are affected by their class in the society whether they are aware or not aware about it. How one is seen by others, whether rich or poor have an effect on his or her life. Members of the society with a dominant class usually lead a unique lifestyle that marks their status in the society. Some of the concrete signs of status in society include; titles, clothing and access to special facilities like clubs e.t.c. Members of the society with a special class have the ability to display their cultural lifestyle enabling them to achieve social recognition (Schaefer, Richard, 2008, P. 178). Race, as a social construct, has an effect on people’s daily lives because it determines the way in which people view themselves and others. The dominant group in the society is usually considered as superior, while the minority group is usually considered to be inferior. People usually determine one’s race by the color of his or her skin (Schaefer, Richard, 2008, P. 178).Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More With regards to religi on, every religion has moral laws which are aimed at harmonizing the society. Religion contributes to proper functioning of the society by unifying people. It draws a line between one’s inspirations and the society’s demands. Religion thus is a phenomenon that is produced in daily interaction and has an effect on people’s lives (Schaefer, Richard, 2008, P. 178). Society exists as a social construct due to educational status of members. Education usually controls and shapes people’s way of thinking. It enables people to gain knowledge, skills and values (Schaefer, Richard, 2008, P. 178). Conclusion Society is a social construct due to the fact that people’s actions and behaviors are shaped by: gender, religion, race matters, class and educational status. Members of the society cannot do exactly what they like because they have certain roles and expectations. Personality traits are developed during social interaction, meaning one’s interests and preferences are produced socially. Reference List Schaefer, R. Richard, T. (2008). Sociology Matters, Edition 4. New York: McGraw-Hill. This essay on Why is society a social construct was written and submitted by user Hattie J. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Web Design Certifications - Beginner Through Advanced
Web Design Certifications - Beginner Through Advanced So you have become quite the master of web design. Your pages look fabulous and you are pretty sure this is what you want to do for a living. If you are also looking for a way to make your skills stand out in the pile of resumes on the desk of a future employer, then you might want to consider a webmaster certification. There are quite a few web design certifications out there that will test your ability to design, code, and implement web pages and sites. Although many are oriented towards the beginner, there are also a few very advanced certifications that will elevate you to the level of Web Master. Beginner Web Design Certifications Beginner web design certifications focus on page layout, use of graphics, HTML, use of browsers and style sheets. These will start you on the path to more advanced certifications. CIW Associate: The CIW Associate certification only requires one exam. Its referred to as the Foundations exam and must be passed before going on to any other CIW track. The exam covers internet, page authoring, and networking basics. Earning the CIW Associate also qualifies you for the CWP Associate CertificationCWD (Certified Web Designer): The CWD certification is offered by the Association of Web Professionals (AWP). You will need basic internet and design knowledge to pass the single exam. The exam is given online by Jupiter Systems, who are the current sponsors of the AWP. A Web Manager and Technician Certifications are also offered by the AWP. These are more intermediate certs and focus less on design.CAW (Certified Associate Webmaster): The CAW certification is offered by WOW and covers most of the basics with a focus in markup and scripting. One exam is required, costs $125 and is available through VUE.HTML Developer Certificate from W3C: The World Wide Web Consorti um (WC3) is the group that sets the standards for the internet. They offer a basic, 70 question exam that results in a certificate and tests you on HTML, XHTML, and CSS. All the materials needed to study are free on the site so, considering the source and the cost, this is a great choice for a certification.​ BCIP (Brainbench Certified Internet Professional): Brainbench offers several good certification preparation exams. In addition, you can apply several of the skills exams to get the BCIP certification. It requires 4 exams in total and a couple of them are free. Most run from $20 to $50, making this a very affordable certification and an excellent way to test your skills in preparation for more advanced certs. Intermediate Web Design Certifications Expect to have knowledge of coding and scripting along with some solid job experience to jump to the intermediate level of certification. AWP (Associate Webmaster Professional): Sponsored by WebYoda, the AWP requires one exam. Exam topics cover Internet Fundamentals, basic and advanced HTML XHTML knowledge, and expertise with CSS.Coldfusion MX Developer Certification: If you have experience with programming languages and one year of working with Coldfusion, you are eligible for this exam. It consists of 66 questions. A score of 80 percent or above will earn you an Advanced Developer Certification.DreamWeaver MX Certification: Proficiency in Dreamweaver plus experience with coding, graphics, and website management will help you with this exam. The exam is 65 questions and you must score 70 percent or better to pass.Flash Certification: Macromedia offers two tracks for the Flash certification: Flash MX Designer and Flash MX Developer. Each requires one 65 question exam. The Designer exam requires knowledge of Flash motion design, optimization, and publishing. The Developer exam requires knowledge of relational databa se design along with one to two years of experience in software development web design. MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist): This certification was created for anyone developing on .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications. You must pass two exams, one focusing on the .NET Framework 2.0 foundational skills and another focusing on Web-based client development. From here you can take one additional exam to obtain the MCPD: Web Developer certification. Advanced Web Design Certifications Advanced certifications will require that you expand your horizons well beyond proficiency in internet and design concepts. Depending on the cert you choose, you will now need to master e-business, marketing, security, management, and more advanced scripting skills. CIW Master: There are several tracks for CIW Master candidates to choose from, including Administrator, Developer, Web Site Manager, and Security Analyst. Each track requires multiple exams on a variety of subjects.CWP: The CWP certification requires that you hold the AWP certification and take one exam. Although training offered by WebYoda (the sponsor of the CWP) is recommended, it is not required. The exam covers web design graphics, e-business concepts, intermediate Java skills, and e-marketing concepts.Global Knowledge Webmaster: This certification is achieved through a serious of lecture and lab classes covering Java (or Perl), advanced web design, databases, and XML development. Want a way to validate your awesome web design skills? Get Certified. So you have become quite the master of web design. Your pages look fabulous and you are pretty sure this is what you want to do for a living. If you are also looking for a way to make your skills stand out in the pile of resumes on the desk of a future employer, then you might want to consider a webmaster certification. There are quite a few web design certifications out there that will test your ability to design, code, and implement web pages and sites. Although many are oriented towards the beginner, there are also a few very advanced certifications that will elevate you to the level of Web Master.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Visa para recibir tratamiento médico en Estados Unidos
Visa para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico en Estados Unidos Las personas extranjeras que residen habitualmente fuera de los Estados Unidos y que desean ingresar al paà s para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico deben hacerlo con estatus de turista. Es decir, no hay una visa mà ©dica o una visa humanitaria. En este artà culo se informa sobre las diferentes opciones para ingresar como turista en los Estados Unidos y los problemas que pueden surgir tanto a la hora de solicitar una visa como cuando ya se tiene y se debe evitar situaciones que den lugar a su cancelacià ³n,  incluidos los casos especà ficos de tener un bebà © en Estados Unidos cuando la mam tiene estatus migratorio de turista. Ingresar como turista en Estados Unidos para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico Las siguientes opciones no aplican a los ciudadanos canadienses, para quienes estn previstas otras  reglas. Para el resto de extranjeros estas son las opciones para ingresar como turista a los Estados Unidos: La primera opcià ³n y que va a aplicar a la mayorà a de los extranjeros, es sacar la visa de turista. tambià ©n conocida como visa B2,  de paseo o placer. En casos de urgencia para recibir el tratamiento mà ©dico, hay un protocolo previsto en los consulados para resolver estas solicitudes cuanto antes. Es muy comà ºn que cuando se ingresa con esta visa se reciba autorizacià ³n para permanecer en los Estados Unidos 180 dà as, pero no siempre es asà . Por ello es importante verificar la fecha fijada en el I-94, conocido tambià ©n como registro de ingreso y de salida. Nunca fiarse por la fecha de expiracià ³n del visado, que realmente significa otra cosa. Si una vez que se est en el hospital la estancia necesita alargarse, puede pedirse una extensià ³n. Los hospitales generalmente ayudan con este trmite. Si por razones de causa mayor no se salià ³ de Estados Unidos a tiempo ni se pidià ³ la extensià ³n, podrà a en algunos casos pedirse la restauracià ³n de estatus. Una segunda posibilidad sà ³lo posible para mexicanos o residentes permanentes en Mà ©xico que viven a lo largo de la frontera con Estados Unidos es ingresar con una visa lser, tambià ©n conocida como tarjeta de cruce. En estos casos el lugar donde se puede recibir el tratamiento est limitado a un nà ºmero de millas a contar desde la là nea fronteriza y tambià ©n est restringido el nà ºmero de dà as que se puede permanecer en Estados Unidos. Y finalmente, una tercera posibilidad es entrar como turista sin visa, por un mximo no extensible de 90 dà as. Para ello es necesario ser ciudadano de uno de la treintena de paà ses que pertenecen al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas (VWP, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Pero hay que tener muy claro que la estancia no se puede alargar, bajo ninguna circunstancia, ms de tres meses a contar desde el dà a de entrada a EEUU. Si se llega por avià ³n hay que solicitar previamente una autorizacià ³n para volar, que se conoce como ESTA. En estos momentos esta opcià ³n solo aplica a chilenos, espaà ±oles y tambià ©n a algunas personas con doble nacionalidad y que por esa circunstancia uno de sus pasaportes es de un paà s incluido en el VWP. Problemas para ingresar a Estados Unidos como turista para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico En el caso de viajar sin visa por el programa que dispensa a los ciudadanos de 38 paà ses de este requisito los problemas pueden surgir de 2 formas. En primer lugar si un oficial de migracià ³n en un puerto de entrada considera que no se tienen ingresos suficientes para recibir el tratamiento y existe un riesgo de que esa persona se convierta en una carga pà ºblica. En este caso se puede negar la entrada a Estados Unidos por ser inadmisible. El segundo problema puede surgir si los 90 dà as no son suficientes para completar el tratamiento mà ©dico y es que bajo ninguna circunstancia se puede sacar una visa en Estados Unidos o extender esa estancia de 3 meses. Por esta razà ³n se debe solicitar una visa de turista si el tratamiento va a durar ms tiempo, ya que debe evitarse quedar ms tiempo del permitido debido a sus graves consecuencias. En el caso de tener que solicitar una visa de turista los problemas pueden surgir ya al solicitarla. Es necesario ser considerado elegible para el visado y tambià ©n admisible para ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Respecto a esto à ºltimo, es importante poder demostrar ingresos o recursos para costear el tratamiento. Hay que evitar crear la sospecha de que se va a ser una carga econà ³mica para el gobierno de los Estados Unidos si la visa es aprobada.  Por lo tanto, estar en condicià ³n de acreditar uno o varios de los siguientes medios de pago: Seguro mà ©dicoIngresos o patrimonio propio o familiarDinero aportado por el gobierno del paà s al que uno pertenece, una ONG nacional o extranjera, etc. Ni las oficinas consulares de los Estados Unidos estn autorizadas a conceder visas para recibir tratamiento mà ©dico a personas que no pueden sufragar gastos mà ©dicos ni los hospitales van ha admitir ingresos sin asegurarse el pago. Una vez que se tiene la visa de turista, à ©sta puede ser cancelada o revocada por muchas causas. Pero la ms comà ºn es quedarse ms tiempo del permitido.  Asimismo, puede haber problemas por ingresar con demasiada frecuencia. Para evitarlo, llevar siempre prueba que acredite el tratamiento mà ©dico y el pago de facturas. El caso comà ºn de ingresar a Estados Unidos a tener un hijo Todos los dà as entran a EEUU decenas de mujeres extranjeras en las à ºltimas fases de sus embarazos para dar a luz, o como dicen en algunos paà ses, a aliviarse. Es una prctica comà ºn y legal que brinda un gran beneficio: la ciudadanà a estadounidense para el bebà © que nace en Estados Unidos. Pero hay que tener en cuenta ciertas circunstancias, para evitar problemas con el gobierno. De interà ©s para los pacientes de cncer y sus familiares Las estadà sticas muestran que uno de los tratamientos que ms reciben en Estados Unidos los pacientes extranjeros tiene que ver con el cncer. Estos son los top 10 hospitales para tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Muchos de ellos tienen un departamento dedicado a ayudar a los pacientes internacionales en sus gestiones y un servicio que habla espaà ±ol. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Oil in Venezuela Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Oil in Venezuela - Research Paper Example Despite the knowledge of oil for ages the, the first oil wells were not drilled up until 1910s. According to McBeth (2005) asserts that when Juan .V. Gomez took the reigns of power in 1908, he granted several concessions to explore, produce and refine oil. Most of these concessions were actually given to his closest allies, and they in turn passed them over to foreign oil companies that could develop them. From 1914 to 1917, more oil fields were discovered across the nation. By the end of 1918, petroleum had appeared for the very first time in Venezuelan export’s statistics at 21,194 metric tonnes (Martinez, 1979). After 20 years, Venezuela became the largest oil exporter in the whole world and second largest oil producer after the United States of America. This led to an influx of foreign investors. By 1929, with the nation being the second largest oil producer in the world. Currently, Venezuela is the fifth largest oil exporting nation in the world, with the largest reserves of both conventional oil in the western hemisphere and non-conventional oil. This fact is very immense importance to the understanding of Venezuela because it has shaped the country’s political, economical, cultural, and historical scenes (Wilpart, 2003). Venezuela has 77.2 billion barrels of proven conventional oil reserves, the largest in any state in the Western Hemisphere. Approximately 267 barr els of this might be producible at current prices utilising the current technology. Venezuela was the first country to make a move towards the establishment of the Oil Producing and Exporting Countries (OPEC). It approached Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Gabon, and Libya in 1949, but OPEC was not set up until 1960. This was when the United States forced import quotas on the Persian and Venezuelan Gulf oil so as to support the Canadian and Mexican oil industries (Martinez, 1979). In 1973, OPEC wielded its first power with the 1973 oil embargo against Western Europe and the United States. Discussion Economy In Venezuela, there was dramatic development of the oil industry, and the oil sector commenced to dominate all other economic sectors in the country. On the other hand, agricultural production began to decline slowly. Agriculture accounted for about one third of the economic production in 1920. According to Yergin (1999) argues that this sudden change increases attention on oil and ne glecting the agricultural sector causing the Venezuelan economy to suffer from a phenomenon referred by economists as the â€Å"Dutch disease†. The occurrence of this disease is manifested when a commodity brings substantial increase in income in one sector, resulting in strengthening of the currency which in turn harms exports of the other manufacturing sectors. This increased sectoral income has caused a distorted growth in services and other non-tradables, which can not be imported whilst discouraging the production of tradables, which are actually imported. The reason for this disparity is that, greater income dramatically raises the demand for imports because the domestic market production can not meet the production quickly enough. This raises the demand for services of which the domestic market has to supply because the services can not be easily imported as the tradables. When one looks at the extent to which there has been increased oil production and income, which w as followed by a corresponding steady decrease in agricultural production, one can clearly observe the symptoms of Dutch disease in the Venezuelan economy. This resulted in a delay in industrialization. The other Dutch disease symptoms are evident in the constant
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Affordable Health Care Act without sovereignty to native Americans Essay
Affordable Health Care Act without sovereignty to native Americans - Essay Example But as the Act is remarked by experts to be rigid with concern to the citizens’ need, it is ought to face different consequences (, 2010). This paper reviews the difficulties faced by the act as well as the citizens of the U.S. with respect to the implementation of the act. Literature Review On October 29 2009, the Affordable Health Care Act was introduced in the United States House of Representatives. Through the implementation of this act, the government intended to serve the citizens of Native American nations with efficient healthcare services and that too in a minimum expense. But the implementation of health care act has provided for various contradictions to itself which has been stated by various authors (H. R. 3962, 2009). First (2005) states that inconsistency practices in US health care system are a result of insufficient consideration to the quality systems which also caused other disadvantages related to its sole purpose. One of the major reasons for the drawback is that the policies concerning healthcare system in US was tangled with issues faced in the early experiences. The practices in relation to health inconsistencies involve the social and the technical facts as significant aspects. It is very essential to identify the problems associated with the implementation of the Act by the authority responsible, so that the outcome delivers the sole purpose widely concerned on the health securities of the citizens without or with minimum social or economic consequences. So, the U.S. government’s effort should be on eliminating the drawbacks and it should also focus on improving the quality of care provided to the patients (First, 2005). Background of the Act It has been depicted in the article of Health Policy Brief (2011) that approximately 30 lawsuits have been filed by private citizens, law makers, organizations and the state governments challenging the features of the Affordable Care Act 2009 (Health Policy Brief, 2011). In the article, it has been mentioned that sec 1501 of the Affordable Care Act identifies the ‘individual responsibility requirement’, also known as Individual Mandate. By the year 2014, the provision specifies that US citizens and nationals need to maintain ‘minimum essential health insurance coverage’ or else are required to pay a penalty allotted. Coverage can be available through an employer or individuals or even through public programmes such as Medicaid and Medicare among others. This policy measure, as mentioned in the Act, can be of adverse affect as the penalty has been sanctioned. Citizens who are below the poverty line are forced to purchase the health care policy which might result into difficult prospective. Therefore, the healthcare act should not be entitled to penalise rather the act should be implemented with great care as it is a need rather than demand (Health Policy Brief, 2011). A dilemma has often aroused regarding Health Care Act. For instance the action of federal government to impose the Act was argued to be subjected to their limitations to participate in such social development issues. Danner (2011) opposes the provision mentioned in the Act, i.e. the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which states the Individual Mandate. The policy of Individual Mandate states that each and every American must buy the Health Insurance or else will be penalised. According to Danner (2011), this is overextending usage of government power. Providing the health care by violating the freedom of the citizen is of no good and is also unconstitutional (Danner, 2011). Complaints by the associated states The Attorney Generals
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Effect of Social Media on Teenagers Essay Example for Free
The Effect of Social Media on Teenagers Essay Contrary to what many people think, Social Media actually has a negative effect on teenagers. Social media is a medium of communication shared by most adults and children, but most especially teenagers. It is sometimes helpful, entertaining and within the reach of the general public. It has become an important mass media around the world. Sadly, this resource is abused and taken advantage by most teenagers, and not used in a way that they could get the best benefits from. It can have negative effects on teenagers like addiction, psychological problems and cyber bullying which can decrease their self-esteem that can lead to depression and possibly self-harm. Many teenagers love social media because of its wide connectivity and function that people can receive it for free; it does not require money to make an account and use it. Facebook is the most visible among various social media. What’s impressive about this site is that you can easily connect with your long lost friends and see how they’re doing, or vice versa. You can also make new friends in Facebook. Though this could get addictive and may divert our attention away from the real world. Like what Cornell University’s Steven Strogatz said; â€Å"Social media sites can make it more difficult for us to distinguish between meaningful relationships we foster in the real world, and the numerous casual relationships formed through social media.†I strongly agree with this statement. Also, people become a whole new person, because it’s the Internet. People can be anything or anyone in the Internet. Another issue is the psychological problems it can affect the teenagers. Social networks like Twitter and Facebook also show another problem to ones emotional development and maturity, according to one study from the University of Southern California. This study monitored the development and expression of admiration and compassion in response to persuasive, actual-life stories in volunteers. Brain imaging was used to verify the responses. Social networks also messes with their ability to think independently. They’re more likely to change their mind about â€Å"liking†some things and posts if they see that it is popular or whatnot, because of course people like going with trend and they want to blend in like the rest.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Horse slaughter. Is it really worth it? Essay -- social issues
Horse slaughter. Is it really worth it? Horse slaughter has been going on for a long time now and humans have increased their horsemeat consumption because of the mad cow disease. Mad cow disease is issued from the fattening foods farmers give to their cattle. In the food are sheep’s’ bones grinded into tiny, tiny bits. Ignorant till the outburst, makers didn’t know that in sheep bones there is the virus of the dreaded disease. The disease doesn’t affect sheep as it is only in their bones but when the cows eat it, it gets into their systems and is passed on through their meat to humans. Many people are going off cow meat and onto horsemeat. Countless numbers of them are oblivious to the fact that horsemeat is just as dangerous as meat from a cow contaminated by mad cow disease. The antibiotics, wormers, parasites in the horses, the conditions the horses are in when slaughtered, etc†¦ these all affect the meat humans eat. I agree, humans need the protein from meat but we do eat enough animals, pigs, sheep, cows, chickens, turkeys, deer, fish. Should we really add a compassionate friend? Horses have served us many years without complaint. Should we just end their kind-hearted services by a knife? Horses are slaughtered in the most inhumane way possible. It doesn’t start at the slaughterhouses, it starts long before that. Most of the horses are stolen or bought from measly horse sales jam packed with killer buyers. Horses swap hands and end up in a waiting pen for the trailer to take them away. No water or food, a tiny space where they can’t turn around. Many horses are lame, sick or in horrendous condition, of all sizes and ages, from the noblest old horse to the youngest newborn. It’s a long drive from this place to the slaughterhouse. A last the trailer comes. Sometimes it is already full, other times it is empty. The horses are loaded into it; the door slammed shut and off it goes. There is no space, no food or drink and hardly any light. The next stop could be twenty-four hours away sometimes even further. When they go through a frontier, the vets only glance quickly at the merchandise. If the horses are lucky, they are unloaded into a small pen and given water. Hungry and thirsty horses get vicious so many weaker ones get kicked or bitten. If the driver is in a hurry, water is often limited down to a hose through a slit or sometime... ...s, just ‘taken’ out of their paddock because the horse thief can get a lot out of it for meat. Owners who sell their horses from a horse sale never know where their friend is going to end up. The prospective owner says that he will have an excellent home, a kind and loving rider and so on but he or she is always thinking ‘excellent business. No one would refuse such a feast.’ Will you be able to look at a double decker trailer without flinching now that you know what happens? Are you going to close your eyes and turn you back on this inhumane doing? Or are you going to go out there and fight? Horse slaughter is a crying shame. How would you feel if I take your pet dog or cat away from you and throw it into a box, transport it for hours on end without food or water to a slaughterhouse, slit its throat and let it bleed to death on a blood sodden floor? Whilst his life is draining out of him, I break off his four legs and keep his paws for glue or some other substance and once he has finished bleeding, skin him, take out all his internal organs and hang him from the ceiling, ready for packaging? Think again before you order your meal. We don’t eat our friends, neither should you†¦
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Difficult Preschool Behavior Essay
Working with preschoolers can be fun and exciting but it can also be tiring and a challenge. They are at the age where they want to learn new things. They are full of energy and questions. At this age, they are a handful, and when you have a classroom full of preschoolers you better be prepared. In this case, we see Jane Chambers a preschool teacher, uses effective strategies to run her classroom smoothly. The strategies are anticipation and redirection, natural supports, materials/space, keystone behaviors, collaboration, structure and routines, and reveal reasons. The first strategy is a very important one for preschoolers. It was know as anticipation and redirection. This is when you anticipate that something might happen and you redirection a child before you have a problem. In the case, you can see an example of anticipation with the construction site. This site is an area in the room where the children can play like construction workers. Mrs. Chamber has picked the materials for this site. In anticipation that children might fight over the tools, there is no one hammer or one hat of one color. Mrs. Chambers redirects a child who is sitting on the couch watch other child do a puzzle. She redirects the boy to painting in stead of sitting on the couch. â€Å"Redirection is a way to divert or distract the child from an undesirable behavior into a more appropriate activity†(Marion, 1999). With preschool age child redirection is a great way to handle unwanted behavior. The next strategy is natural supports. These are the least intrusive supports because they happen naturally in the surroundings (Bauer, 2004). In early childhood, the best support is support of their peers.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Forward the Foundation Chapter 21
25 Hari Seldon knocked gently with an old-fashioned code and Yugo Amaryl looked up. â€Å"Hari, how nice of you to drop around.†â€Å"I should do it more often. In the old days we were together all the time. Now there are hundreds of people to worry about-here, there, and everywhere-and they get between us. Have you heard the news?†â€Å"What news?†â€Å"The junta is going to set up a poll tax-a nice substantial one. It will be announced on TrantorVision tomorrow. It will be just Trantor for now and the Outer Worlds will have to wait. That's a little disappointing. I had hoped it would be Empire-wide all at once, but apparently I didn't give the General enough credit for caution.†Amaryl said, â€Å"Trantor will be enough. The Outer Worlds will know that their turn will follow in not too long a time.†â€Å"Now we'll have to see what happens.†â€Å"What will happen is that the shouting will start the instant the announcement is out and the riots will begin, even before the new tax goes into effect.†â€Å"Are you sure of it?†Amaryl put his Prime Radiant into action at once and expanded the appropriate section. â€Å"See for yourself, Hari. I don't see how that can be misinterpreted and that's the prediction under the particular circumstances that now exist. If it doesn't happen, it means that everything we've worked out in psychohistory is wrong and I refuse to believe that.†â€Å"I'll try to have courage,†said Seldon, smiling. Then â€Å"How do you feel lately, Yugo?†â€Å"Well enough. Reasonably well. And how are you, by the way? I've heard rumors that you're thinking of resigning. Even Dors said something about that.†â€Å"Pay no attention to Dors. These days she's saying all sorts of things. She has a bug in her head about some sort of danger permeating the Project.†â€Å"What kind of danger?†â€Å"It's better not to ask. She's just gone off on one of her tangents and, as always, that makes her uncontrollable.†Amaryl said, â€Å"See the advantage I have in being single?†Then, in a lower voice, â€Å"If you do resign, Hari, what are your plans for the future?†Seldon said, â€Å"You'll take over. What other plans can I possibly have?†And Amaryl smiled. 26 In the small conference room in the main building, Tamwile Elar listened to Dors Venabili with a gathering look of confusion and anger on his face. Finally he burst out, â€Å"Impossible!†He rubbed his chin, then went on cautiously, â€Å"I don't mean to offend you, Dr. Venabili, but your suggestions are ridic-cannot be right. There's no way in which anyone can think that there are, in this Psychohistory Project, any feelings so deadly as to justify your suspicions. I would certainly know if there were and I assure you there are not. Don't think it.†â€Å"I do think it,†said Dors stubbornly, â€Å"and I can find evidence for it.†Elar said, â€Å"I don't know how to say this without offense, Dr. Venabili, but if a person is ingenious enough and intent enough on proving something, he or she can find all the evidence he or she wants-or, at least, something he or she believes is evidence.†â€Å"Do you think I'm paranoid?†â€Å"I think that in your concern for the Maestro-something in which I'm with you all the way-you're, shall we say, overheated.†Dors paused and considered Elar's statement. â€Å"At least you're right that a person with sufficient ingenuity can find evidence anywhere. I can build a case against you, for instance.†Elar's eyes widened as he stared at her in total astonishment. â€Å"Against me? I would like to hear what case you can possibly have against me.†â€Å"Very well. You shall. The birthday party was your idea, wasn't it?†Elar said, â€Å"I thought of it, yes, but I'm sure others did, too. With the Maestro moaning about his advancing years, it seemed a natural way of cheering him up.†â€Å"I'm sure others may have thought of it, but it was you who actually pressed the issue and got my daughter-in-law fired up about it. She took over the details and you persuaded her that it was possible to put together a really large celebration. Isn't that so?†â€Å"I don't know if I had any influence on her, but even if I did, what's wrong with that?†â€Å"In itself, nothing, but in setting up so large and widespread and prolonged a celebration, were we not advertising to the rather unstable and suspicious men of the junta that Hari was too popular and might be a danger to them?†â€Å"No one could possibly believe such a thing was in my mind.†Dors said, â€Å"I am merely pointing out the possibility. In planning the birthday celebration, you insisted that the central offices be cleared out-â€Å" â€Å"Temporarily. For obvious reasons.†â€Å"-and insisted that they remain totally unoccupied for a while. No work was done-except by Yugo Amaryl-during that time.†â€Å"I didn't think it would hurt if the Maestro had some rest in advance of the party. Surely you can't complain about that.†â€Å"But it meant that you could consult with other people in the empty offices and do so in total privacy. The offices are, of course, well shielded.†â€Å"I did consult there-with your daughter-in-law, with caterers, suppliers, and other tradesmen. It was absolutely necessary, wouldn't you say?†â€Å"And if one of those you consulted with was a member of the junta?†Elar looked as though Dors had hit him. â€Å"I resent that, Dr. Venabili. What do you take me for?†Dors did not answer directly. She said, â€Å"You went on to talk to Dr. Seldon about his forthcoming meeting with the General and urged him-rather pressingly-to let you take his place and run the risks that might follow. The result was, of course, that Dr. Seldon insisted rather vehemently on seeing the General himself, which one can argue was precisely what you wanted him to do.†Elar emitted a short nervous laugh. â€Å"With all due respect, this does sound like paranoia, Doctor.†Dors pressed on. â€Å"And then, after the party, it was you, wasn't it, who was the first to suggest that a group of us go to the Dome's Edge Hotel?†â€Å"Yes and I remember you saying it was a good idea.†â€Å"Might it not have been suggested in order to make the junta uneasy, as yet another example of Hari's popularity? And might it not have been arranged to tempt me into invading the Palace grounds?†â€Å"Could I have stopped you?†said Elar, his incredulity giving way to anger. â€Å"You had made up your own mind about that.†Dors paid no attention. â€Å"And, of course, you hoped that by entering the Palace grounds I might make sufficient trouble to turn the junta even further against Hari.†â€Å"But why, Dr. Venabili? Why would I be doing this?†â€Å"One might say it was to get rid of Dr. Seldon and to succeed him as director of the Project.†â€Å"How can you possibly think this of me? I can't believe you are serious. You're just doing what you said you would at the start of this exercise just showing me what can be done by an ingenious mind intent on finding so-called evidence.†â€Å"Let's turn to something else. I said that you were in a position to use the empty rooms for private conversations and that you may have been there with a member of the junta.†â€Å"That is not even worth a denial.†â€Å"But you were overheard. A little girl wandered into the room, curled up in a chair out of sight, and overheard your conversation.†Elar frowned. â€Å"What did she hear?†â€Å"She reported that two men were talking about death. She was only a child and could not repeat anything in detail, but two words did impress her and they were ‘lemonade death.' â€Å" â€Å"Now you seem to be changing from fantasy to-if you'll excuse me -madness. What can ‘lemonade death' mean and what would it have to do with me?†â€Å"My first thought was to take it literally. The girl in question is very fond of lemonade and there was a good deal of it at the party, but no one had poisoned it.†â€Å"Thanks for granting sanity that much.†â€Å"Then I realized the girl had heard something else, which her imperfect command of the language and her love of the beverage had perverted into ‘lemonade.'†â€Å"And have you invented a distortion?†Elar snorted. â€Å"It did seem to me for a while that what she might have heard was laymen-aided death.'†â€Å"What does that mean?†â€Å"An assassination carried through by laymen-by nonmathematicians.†Dors stopped and frowned. Her hand clutched her chest. Elar said with sudden concern, â€Å"Is something wrong, Dr. Venabili?†â€Å"No,†said Dors, seeming to shake herself. For a few moments she said nothing further and Elar cleared his throat. There was no sign of amusement on his face any longer, as he said, â€Å"Your comments, Dr. Venabili, are growing steadily more ridiculous and-well, I don't care if I do offend you, but I have grown tired of them. Shall we put an end to this?†â€Å"We are almost at an end, Dr. Elar. Layman-aided may indeed be ridiculous, as you say. I had decided that in my own mind, too. You are, in part, responsible for the development of the Electro-Clarifier, aren't you?†Elar seemed to stand straighter as he said with a touch of pride, â€Å"Entirely responsible.†â€Å"Surely not entirely. I understand it was designed by Cinda Monay.†â€Å"A designer. She followed my instructions.†â€Å"A layman. The Electro-Clarifier is a layman-aided device.†With suppressed violence Elar said, â€Å"I don't think I want to hear that phrase again. Once more, shall we put an end to this?†Dors forged on, as if she hadn't heard his request. â€Å"Though you give her no credit now, you gave Cinda credit to her face-to keep her working eagerly, I suppose. She said you gave her credit and she was very grateful because of it. She said you even called the device by her name and yours, though that's not the official name.†â€Å"Of course not. It's the Electro-Clarifier.†â€Å"And she said she was designing improvements, intensifiers, and so on-and that you had the prototype of an advanced version of the new device for testing.†â€Å"What has all this to do with anything?†â€Å"Since Dr. Seldon and Dr. Amaryl have been working with the Electro-Clarifier, both have in some ways deteriorated. Yugo, who works with it more, has also suffered more.†â€Å"The Electro-Clarifier can, in no way, do that kind of damage.†Dors put her hand to her forehead and momentarily winced. She said, â€Å"And now you have a more intense Electro-Clarifier that might do more damage, that might kill quickly, rather than slowly.†â€Å"Absolute nonsense.†â€Å"Now consider the name of the device, a name which, according to the woman who designed it, you are the only one to use. I presume you called it the Elar-Monay Clarifier.†â€Å"I don't ever recall using that phrase,†said Elar uneasily. â€Å"Surely you did. And the new intensified Elar-Monay Clarifies could he used to kill with no blame to be attached to anyone just a sad accident through a new and untried device. It would be the ‘Elar-Monay death' and a little girl heard it as `lemonade death.' â€Å" Dors's hand groped at her side. Elar said softly, â€Å"You are not well, Dr. Venabili.†â€Å"I am perfectly well. Am I not correct?†â€Å"Look, it doesn't matter what you can twist into lemonade. Who knows what the little girl may have heard? It all boils down to the deadliness of the Electro-Clarifier. Bring me into court or before a scientific investigating board and let experts-as many as you like-check the effect of the Electro-Clarifier, even the new intensified one, on human beings. They will find it has no measurable effect.†â€Å"I don't believe that,†muttered Venabili. Her hands were now at her forehead and her eyes were closed. She swayed slightly. Elar said, â€Å"It is clear that you are not well, Dr. Venabili. Perhaps that means it is my turn to talk. May I?†Dors's eyes opened and she simply stared. â€Å"I'll take your silence for consent, Doctor. Of what use would it be for me to try to to get rid of Dr. Seldon and Dr. Amaryl in order to take my place as director? You would prevent any attempt I made at assassination, as you now think you are doing. In the unlikely case that I succeeded in such a project and was rid of the two great men, you would tear me to pieces afterward. You're a very unusual woman-strong and fast beyond belief-and while you are alive, the Maestro is safe.†â€Å"Yes,†said Dors, glowering. â€Å"I told this to the men of the junta. Why should they not consult me on matters involving the Project? They are very interested in psychohistory, as well they ought to be. It was difficult for them to believe what I told them about you-until you made your foray into the Palace grounds. That convinced them, you can be sure, and they agreed with my plan.†â€Å"Aha. Now we come to it,†Dors said weakly. â€Å"I told you the Electro-Clarifier cannot harm human beings. It cannot. Amaryl and your precious Hari are just getting old, though you refuse to accept it. So what? They are fine-perfectly human. The electromagnetic field has no effect of any importance on organic materials. Of course, it may have adverse effects on sensitive electromagnetic machinery and, if we could imagine a human being built of metal and electronics, it might have an effect on it. Legends tell us of such artificial human beings. The Mycogenians have based their religion on them and they call such beings â€Å"robots.†If there were such a thing as a robot, one would imagine it would be stronger and faster by far than an ordinary human being, that it would have properties, in fact, resembling those you have, Dr. Venabili. And such a robot could, indeed, be stopped, hurt, even destroyed by an intense Electro-Clarifier, such as the one that I have here, one that has been operating at low energy since we began our conversation. That is why you are feeling ill, Dr. Venabili-and for the first time in your existence, I'm sure.†Dors said nothing, merely stared at the man. Slowly she sank into a chair. Elar smiled and went on, â€Å"Of course, with you taken care of, there will be no problem with the Maestro and with Amaryl. The Maestro, in fact, without you, may fade out at once and resign in grief, while Amaryl is merely a child in his mind. In all likelihood, neither will have to be killed. How does it feel, Dr. Venabili, to be unmasked after all these years? I must admit, you were very good at concealing your true nature. It's almost surprising that no one else discovered the truth before now. But then, I am a brilliant mathematician-an observer, a thinker, a deducer. Even I would not have figured it out were it not for your fanatical devotion to the Maestro and the occasional bursts of superhuman power you seemed to summon at will-when he was threatened. â€Å"Say good-bye, Dr. Venabili. All I have to do now is to turn the device to full power and you will be history.†Dors seemed to collect herself and rose slowly from her seat, mumbling, â€Å"I may be better shielded than you think.†Then, with a grunt, she threw herself at Elar. Elar, his eyes widening, shrieked and reeled back. Then Dors was on him, her hand flashing. Its side struck Elar's neck, smashing the vertebrae and shattering the nerve cord. He fell dead on the floor. Dors straightened with an effort and staggered toward the door. She had to find Hari. He had to know what had happened. 27 Hari Seldon rose from his seat in horror. He had never seen Dors look so, her face twisted, her body canted, staggering as though she were drunk. â€Å"Dors! What happened! What's wrong!†He ran to her and grasped her around the waist, even as her body gave way and collapsed in his arms. He lifted her (she weighed more than am ordinary woman her size would have, but Seldon was unaware of that at ** the moment) and placed her on the couch. â€Å"What happened?†he said. She told him, gasping, her voice breaking now and then, while he cradled her head and tried to force himself to believe what was happening. â€Å"Elar is dead,†she said. â€Å"I finally killed a human being. First time. Makes it worse.†â€Å"How badly are you damaged, Dors?†â€Å"Badly. Elar turned on his device-full-when I rushed him.†â€Å"You can be readjusted.†â€Å"How? There's no one-on Trantor-who knows how. I need Daneel.†Daneel. Demerzel. Somehow, deep inside, Hari had always known. His friend-a robot-had provided him with a protector-a robot-to ensure that psychohistory and the seeds of the Foundations were given a chance to take root. The only problem was, Hari had fallen in love with his protector-a robot. It all made sense now. All the nagging doubts and the questions could be answered. And somehow, it didn't matter one bit. All that mattered was Dors. â€Å"We can't let this happen.†â€Å"It must.†Dors's eyes fluttered open and looked at Seldon. â€Å"Must. Tried to save you, but missed-vital point-who will protect you now?†Seldon couldn't see her clearly. There was something wrong with his eyes. â€Å"Don't worry about me, Dors. It's you-It's you-â€Å" â€Å"No. You, Hari. Tell Manella-Manella-I forgive her now. She did better than I. Explain to Wanda. You and Raych-take care of each other.†â€Å"No no no,†said Seldon, rocking back and forth. â€Å"You can't do this. Hang on, Dors. Please. Please, my love.†Dors's head shook feebly and she smiled even more feebly. â€Å"Goodbye, Hari, my love. Remember always-all you did for me.†â€Å"I did nothing for you.†â€Å"You loved me and your love made me-human.†Her eyes remained open, but Dors had ceased functioning. Yugo Amaryl came storming into Seldon's office. â€Å"Hari, the riots are beginning, sooner and harder even than exp-â€Å" And then he stared at Seldon and Dors and whispered, â€Å"What happened?†Seldon looked up at him in agony. â€Å"Riots! What do I care about riots now? What do I care about anything now?â€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
A Peek at the Physics Behind Multiple Universes
A Peek at the Physics Behind Multiple Universes The sciences of physics and astrophysics explore a great many interesting ideas about the universe. One of the most intriguing is the concept of multiple universes. Its also referred to as parallel universe theory. This is the idea that our universe is not the only one in existence. Most people have heard of the possibility of more than one universe from science fiction stories and movies. Far from being an imaginary idea, multiple universes can exist, according to modern physics. However, its one thing to devise a theory about their existence, but quite another to actually detect them. This is something that modern physics is wrestling with, using observations of distant light signals from the Big Bang as data. What Are Multiple Universes? Just as our universe, with all its stars, galaxies, planets, and other structures exists and can be studied, physicists suspect that other universes filled with matter and space exist in parallel with ours. They may or may not be exactly like ours. Chances are that theyre not. They might have different laws of physics than we do, for example. They dont necessarily intersect with ours, but they may collide with it. Some theorists go so far as to explain that each person has a twin or mirror in the other universes. This is one interpretation of the multiple-universe theory called the many-worlds approach. It says that there are many universes out there. Star Trek fans, for example, will recognize this from such episodes as Mirror Mirror in the original series, Parallels in Next Generation, and others. Theres another interpretation of multiple universes that gets quite complex and is an outgrowth of quantum physics, which is the physics of the very small. It deals with interactions at the level of atoms and subatomic particles (which make up atoms). Basically, quantum physics says that small interactions - called quantum interactions - happen. When they do, they have far-reaching consequences and set up endless possibilities with endless outcomings from those interactions. As an example, imagine that in our universe a person takes a wrong turn on the way to a meeting. They miss the meeting and lose a chance to work on a new project. If they hadnt missed the turn, they would have gone to the meeting and gotten the project. Or, they missed the turn, and the meeting, but met someone else who offered them a better project. there are endless possibilities, and each one (if it happens) spurs endless consequences. In parallel universes, ALL of those actions and reactions and consequences take place, one to each universe. This implies that there are parallel universes where all possible outcomes are happening simultaneously. Yet, we only observe the action in our own universe. All the other actions, we dont observe, but they are happening in parallel, elsewhere. We dont observe them, but they happen, at least theoretically. Can Multiple Universes Exist? The argument in favor of multiple universes involves many interesting thought experiments. One delves into cosmology (which is the study of the origin and evolution of the universe) and something called the fine-tuning problem. This says that as we grow to understand the way our universe is constructed, our existence in it grows more precarious. As physicists have examined the way the universe has changed over time since the Big Bang, they suspect that had the early conditions of the universe been just a bit different, our universe could have evolved to be inhospitable to life. In fact, if a universe spontaneously came into existence, physicists would expect it to spontaneously collapse or possibly to expand so rapidly that particles never really interact with each other. British physicist, Sir Martin Reese wrote extensively about this idea in his classic book Just Six Numbers: The Deep Forces That Shape the Universe. Multiple Universes and a Creator Using this idea of finely-tuned properties in the universe, some argue for the need of a creator. Tgbe existence of such a being (for which there is no proof), doesnt explain properties of the universe. Physicists would like to understand those properties without invoking a deity of any kind. The easiest solution would just be to say, Well, thats how it is. However, thats not really an explanation. It just represents a remarkable lucky break that a single universe would come into being and that universe would just happen to have the very precise properties needed to develop life. Most physical properties would result in a universe that collapses into nothingness instantly. Or, it continues to exist and expands into a vast sea of nothingness. It isnt just a matter of trying to explain human beings as we happen to exist, but of explaining the very existence of any sort of universe. Another idea, which fits well with quantum physics, says that there is, indeed, a vast number of universes, which with different properties. Within that multiverse of universes, some subset of them (including our own) would contain properties that allow them to exist for relatively long periods of time. That means a subset (including our own universe) would have the properties that allow them to form complex chemicals and, ultimately, life. Others would not. And, that would be okay, since quantum physics tells us that all possibilities can exist. String Theory and Multiple Universes String theory (which states that all the different fundamental particles of matter are manifestations of a basic object called a string) has recently begun to support this idea. This is because there is a vast number of possible solutions to string theory. In other words, if string theory is correct then there are still many different ways to construct the universe. String theory presents the idea of extra dimensions at the same that it includes a structure to think about where these other universes could be located. Our universe, which includes four dimensions of spacetime, seems to exist in a universe that may contain as many as 11 total dimensions. That multi-dimensional region is often called the bulk by string theorists. Theres no reason to think that the bulk couldnt contain other universes in addition to our own. So, it is sort of a universe of universes.  Detection is a Problem The question of a multiverses existence is secondary to being able to detect other universes. So far no one has found solid evidence for another universe. That doesnt mean they arent out there. The evidence may be something we havent yet recognized. Or our detectors arent sensitive enough. Eventually, physicists will find a way using solid data to find parallel universes and measure at least some of their properties. That could be a long way away, however. Edited and updated by Carolyn Collins Petersen.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Storytelling in the Hook for Your Research Paper Statement
Storytelling in the Hook for Your Research Paper Statement Storytelling in the Hook for Your Research Paper Statement A research paper statement is a short passage explaining what your paper is about. Take some time to write out a clear and accurate thesis statement because it will show how well you have understood your research goals and whether you were able to implement them accurately. Characteristics of a Great Research Paper Statement Usually included at the end of the first paragraph of a paper, the statement should: be very specific- Include exactly and only what you will discuss in the paper; hook the reader immediately; be revised as your work progresses; accurately reflect what kind of paper it represents (analytical, expository, argumentative or narrative); tell the reader how you plan to interpret the significance of your subject matter; serve as a road map for the rest of the paper; answer a specific question; include a claim that is open to dispute. Why Bother Creating a Hook? A hook is a creative way to grab your reader’s attention and compel them to keep on reading. This makes perfect sense in terms of normal storytelling. But why take this approach while writing a research statement? Isn’t it the instructor’s job to read the entire paper anyway? These are perfectly valid questions, but the answer to them all is simple. The fact is that this effort expended will improve your grade. And will also help you remain very clear about what work you have done and how valuable your research is. Your ability to convince the reader to keep on reading largely depends on your hook, so take your time in composing a clear hook for your research statement. Clueless at Creating a Hook? Try the Storytelling Approach Stories are entertaining and people love them. By creating a simple but effective hook almost guarantees that you will immediately capture your readers attention. A hook works best when used at the beginning of your research statement; it can even be the first sentence if you want. How to Create a Story This is the most difficult part, but we’ll make it easy for you. Firstly, do not just tell your readers what happens, but show them with the help of words. You should select a setting and make sure the background is clear. Your characters are next and they must be relevant and relatable in addition to being clearly explained (this is a research paper statement after all). This all makes the main core of the story, and if this is weak the whole story would fall flat. The next step is to take the story forward, once your readers know what it is all about, it is time to introduce the conflict that makes your story interesting. However, the conflict should be for a reason and your readers must know of it so they can get invested into the story. Also, if it is possible, try to make it interactive with a hook ending. What Makes a Hook Effective? The human brain is curious and an effective hook piques our curiosity. Anything which grabs our attention will automatically make us want to learn more about it. Good hooks that are based on storytelling elements can be effective in pulling in your readers/professors even if the piece of writing is not a story. Persuading a reader to lend their precious time to your thoughts is not easy to do. Appeal to the senses- use visual and vibrant language. Don’t overuse flowery language; it often has a negative effect on the clarity of your ideas. Use a strong statement about a topic. State a rarely known and/or significant statistic. Make an exaggeration or outrageous statement. Open the statement with a question. Storytelling is a useful skill to learn and the elements from it transfer over easily to academic writing styles. It is never a good idea to bore your reader, no matter how dry or dull the general subject is, it is always readable if presented in an interesting manner. At you will be provided with professional research paper help from academic experts you can easily hire online.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Western civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Western civilization - Essay Example This paper seeks to explore the shifts in concepts and ideologies that occurred leading to western civilization. Renaissance illustrates a period of cultural movement and its spread to the rest of Europe whereas Italy is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance, which saw the outlook and institutions of the middle ages merge. Therefore, during this period radical change would be experienced at all levels of the society, giving rise to the European civilization, which later transformed to the modern western civilization. The central government within the political organization grew stronger in the wake of the rebirth but at the expense of feudalism. Feudalism was an arrangement in which persons regarded as nobles exercised public power, formerly held by kings since the existing monarchs could not guarantee the safety of their subjects. The notion that those regarded as the wellborn can influence policies and rule over others behind closed doors is still among the western civilization where stakeholders are involved in the decision-making process. Commercial and industrial activities expanded significantly, which introduced new and more efficient products to the society. As a result, capitalism in most city-states replaced most primitive forms of economic organization (Perry et al 293). This is a defining characteristic of the modern western civilization whose commercial activities are based on capitalism. The adoption of capitalism by the earlier civilizations enhanced pre-existing social inequalities, which for instance widened the gap between the rich and poor. At the height of the booming commercial activities, people in the middle-class level of the society increased in number as they amassed wealth, which played a crucial role in the economic and cultural life. In addition, religious reforms were introduced following the fragmentation of unity in
Friday, November 1, 2019
The Waterboy Reaction Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Waterboy Reaction Paper - Essay Example Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler wrote the film; it acts as a motivator to surpass the general parameter of mundane perceptions of possible and impossible. It retells the story of immense possibilities imbibed within an individual who just needs certain extra efforts and a little bit of courage to surface out. Thesis Statement This essay intends to explore the reaction that evolves in the mind of a man after watching this film and the nature and amount of motivation the film exercises on the mind of the audience watching it. Water Boy: A Reflection Characters and situations appearing on the silver screen are always very fascinating. Hardly any hero of a film or a novel confronts defeat. However, in real life the situations are always very different. At a pragmatic plane, therefore it is very tough always to relate to the characters of the reel life. Bobby, the protagonist of the film, â€Å"The Water Boy†at the outset of the film is projected as a character very clumsy and unacce ptable. He is shown undergoing the immense teasing of his fellow boys who are regular players in the football team. He is over protected by his mother who makes him more effeminate and weak. However, nobody ever tries to peep into the nobility of the boy, who chooses to supply water to his classmates playing for the football team after hearing that his father died of dehydration in the Sahara desert while serving in the Peace Corps. He undergoes all the humiliation to provide water to the boys whom he feels need it and in his own little way tries to pacify his mind by quenching the thirst of others. From this act of the boy, his mental convictions are indicated. He is a very determined person and he never gave up whatever he liked although he faced a lot of humiliation from his classmates and often chiding from the head coach, Red Beaulieu played by Jerry Red accusing him of disrupting the practice unnecessary. These situations in the film are conceived on a pragmatic line of action and thought process and motivate a human mind to a great extent. A dejected and a deprived person best comprehends the pang and the pain of another deprived and dejected person. As it is said, one is not able to feel the pang of a sore toe unless he puts the feet inside the shoe. The character of Coach Klein performed by Henry Winkler appears as the catalyst to the process of metamorphosis that takes place in Bobby’s life. He understands his ability and approaches Coach Klein, who mentors him to become one of the most aggressive linebackers attacking the opponent players continuously with ferocity almost like a superhuman. The deprivation and humiliation of long drawn years, which could have acted as a prominent flow of negative energy in Bobby, actually was manipulated by Bobby as his aggression, which he used to develop his attacking skill in the football ground. At the same time, coach Klein was able to give a good reply to the coach Beaulieu by training and transforming a mere water boy of his team to one of the most valued and attacking players of the opposite team. The film â€Å"Water Boy†is very motivating because it shows the perfect balance of a professional and personal life, which is a very important factor of the contemporary world. Bobby achieves a great development in his career as a player. He transforms himself completely. However, this change does not bring any kind of pride of self-glory in him. He knows how to balance his personal and professional life. Bobby follows the exact
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Theory of Constraints Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Theory of Constraints - Assignment Example h a difference of four minutes, it means that the first customer to be served will leave when the last customer is left with 24 minutes to leave because the total time that is being lost before the servers finish with their last customer in the first round of 12 is 24 minutes. And suppose there is an increment in the number of servers then there will be decrease in time lost with increase in the number of customers served which is directly proportional to increase in general income of the process(Jacobs, Chase & Lummus, 2011). If the average cost per meal is 10$ then it means that in the first 50 minutes the process shall have generated 120$ and in the first 1 hour it shall have generated 144$. For a better understanding of that calculation the figures are tabulated as shown bellow Increment in the number of customers can comfortably accommodate by increment in the number of employees by a positive figure of one and at the same time the current employees must adjust their level of performance for the general success of the process(Jacobs, Chase & Lummus,
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Principles of Nursing and Health
The Principles of Nursing and Health Introduction This assignment into principles of nursing and health will explore dimensions of health; it will give an insight to a person who has a condition called multiple sclerosis. Looked at will be what determinants of health are to this person. Underpinning professional, legal and ethical implications surrounding health should the individual require nursing care is of great importance. Finally the assignment will give a reflection of what information has been gained and health concepts on a personal level. 1 Dimensions of health Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. World Health Organisation (WHO 1946) cited in Naidoo (2009). Health means so many different things to different people, someone viewed as having a disease or disability can also feel like they are healthy, as can a person who is physical fit feel unhealthy. Dimensions of health determine health to each individual. There are six different dimensions of health which are; intellectual, physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental. Health is looked at as a whole and when being cared for, a holistic approach could be used taking into account all of the dimensions of health. Dimension in more detail are; intellectual this is when a person has the ability or inability to make decisions and judgements reasonably, understanding decisions and consequences of decisions. Physical health is what you can see the size, shape and body function. Emotional is when a pers on is empathetic towards other peoples feelings and has an understanding of their own, and can deal with all different types of emotions as and when they occur. Spiritual health can be having a belief in a god or religion however it has more of an impact on a persons ethics, peace of mind and principles. Social dimension is having relationships with all different types of people for example work colleagues, family and childhood friends. Environmental can be where a person lives and works it could be a poor area or poor working conditions. Across all the dimensions if one is affected this could have a knock on effect to other dimensions or all of them, they usually all go hand in hand, Brooker (2007). 2 Person overview To put principles of health into a reality and have an understanding an example could be an individuals health. Chosen as an example is David Anderson; David is fifty five year old male who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early thirtys. Multiple sclerosis is a condition which causes a defect in the central nervous system. The myelin sheath which surrounds the nerve fibres comes under attack from the autoimmune system, Corcos (2008). The disease is unpredictable and can affect different people in different ways. Usual symptoms are numbness in limbs, involuntary movements, lethargy, blurry or double vision the list goes on. Multiple sclerosis was identified by the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot in 1863 who worked in a hospital called Salptrire in Paris. He identified the condition as aclrose en Plaques, Burgess (2010) which mean hardening, this relates to the scaring which causes the damage to the nervous system. David has worked in the same job for over 30 years, it is an outdoor manual position where he walks for long periods of time in a country setting as well as working in a country setting he also lives four miles from his place of work and has no commuting stress. David has been married for 35 years he has three grown up children and three grandchildren. David enjoys spending time playing golf in the summer months and watching sports live and on the TV he also enjoys photography. Davids health has always been very good despite his condition; he has never been on medication other than over the counter analgesics and has never required any kind of treatment. At times the effects of his condition do show but in a very minor way which he has always coped on the surface extremely well. 3 Determinants Determinants are factors which may affect a persons health; this may be in a good way or a bad way, generally and in the health of the above person. Determinants are factors which influence how healthy a person is. These are socio-economic which are cultural and environmental for example where in the country the person lives, living and working conditions for example are the conditions good is there stress involved, social and community networks is there support in place in the community and socially, individual lifestyle factors for example if the person takes regular exercise and eats a balance diet, and age, sex and hereditary factors. Naidoo and Wills as cited in Brooker (2007). Determinants which affect David are difficult to identify, possibly determinants affect him in a positive way. David has a very good life style, and has had a steady job for a long time environmental factors have possibly enhanced the quality of life for David. He spends a lot of time outdoors and feels t his has a positive effect as for long periods of time he lives symptom free from his condition. Social and community factors again are strong in his family who surround him and the networks of doctors in the local GP office are also strong. Around the world the United Kingdom has one of the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world, Rog et al (2009) cited in Burgess (2010). It has been said by Ebers et al (2007) cited in Burgess (2010). One in one thousand people in the UK have MS. It has been shown in studies that the further away from the equator the higher the volume of people recorded to have MS. This could be due to the periods of time these areas have sunshine, a vitamin related to sunshine is vitamin D, the body requires sunlight to synthesize vitamin D this vitamin is found in most immune cells and is associated functions including inhibition of the production of cytokines this is known to have a negative effect in MS, Ponsonby et al (2005) cited in Burgess (2010). Sh etland and Orkney in the north of Scotland have the highest rate of cases in the world. Interestingly studies have also shown people who emigrate from country to country before the age of 15 will develop the risk from the country which they have settled in, if the move takes place after the persons 15th birthday it is said the person will retain the risk factor from the country they are originally from. Underpinning professional, legal and ethical principles. Nursing care may be required for David in time and there are a lot of factors to consider when any person is being nursed. Looked at are the underpinning professional, legal and ethical principles involved in nursing a patient. As a professional a nurse has to follow rules which are set by the NMC. The NMC is the Nursing and Midwifery Council they are the governing body for all nurses and midwifes, the NMC have produced a code and within the code there are rules, standards, guidance and advice. NMC The Code (2008). The NMC are a council who if find or have any incidents reported to them will make decisions about fitness to practice, and can discipline or strike a nurse off of the registration if the nurse has failed to follow the code or committed an offence. The main concern of the NMC is to safeguard patients and members of the public and how they are treated by nurses and midwifes. It is said in NMC, The Code (2008) Individuals must be respected and dignity must be maintained. Individuals should not be discriminated against and must also be treated with consideration and kindness. Where required a nurse must seek out help and support from relevant agencies and support networks in the health and social care setting. Respect is an essential part of protecting an individuals confidentiality, information should never be shared other than with relevant people or professionals involved with the care of the person. It is also important that information should be shared if the person is at risk or h arm. An additional part of respecting a person may be concerning their likes and dislikes, communicating is essential when caring for a person or there family to ensure the best possible care is given, this could be ensuring communication can happen without any obstruction for example language or communication requirements possibly providing some kind of aid. Consent is a large part of care giving every time a treatment is given this could be from bathing to giving medication consent must be obtained, if an individual declines consent for treatment this must be respected, as it is a persons right to be involved in any decisions regarding treatment however there is an instance when decision making could be taken away from a person this happens when the mental capacity is compromised. there is a part of legislation which ensures a person who is incapable of making decisions regarding care is safe guarded. As a professional nurse boundaries must be maintained between patients and nurse s it is unacceptable to accept gifts, loans or personal relationships from patients and their families. It is part of the role of a professional to identify risks and people who are taking risks, it is also a duty to report any practices that are putting others at risk. Record keeping is an essential skill which nurses must practice in an accurate way as the records include all of the patients care which has been given or is due to be given, keeping accurate records is imperative as poor records could harm a patients safety and confidentiality. In the case for David he may become ill in time and require nursing care and it may become costly to the government, it is his right to receive care as and when required and be treated with respect and dignity, he may decide he does not want his suffering to be prolonged if his life is nearing an end and any decisions he may take must be upheld. Be open and honest, act with integrity and uphold the reputation of your profession NMC The Code (2008). Following the above statement ensures you comply with the code and also by following the law, being honest and able to identify problems and deal with them in the correct way if anything were to happen in practice. This will ensure care given can be without prejudice and the integrity of the nurse remains intact. NMC (2008) Legal issues which could arise could be in two ways these are civil and criminal. A civil court of law is where an individual person can file a case against another person or organisation when a person has come to harm possibly by neglect. Criminal law is where a person has committed a crime and it is in the publics interest for the person who committed the crime to be prosecuted by a court of law and punished. Personal Concept As I have studied and read more about principles of health it has had a major impact on the importance of knowing what the dimensions of health are, and understanding why a person has maybe become ill or in hospital, and what can be done to help or educate an individual to have a better life style which will lead to improved health. Looking at an individual has also given me an understanding that determinants of health can be positive as well as negative, as having a good life style for someone who has a condition like MS can enhance quality of life. Also if someone has a very poor life style this can lead to conditions like type 2 diabetes, this is generally caused by a very poor diet and by being overweight. Being a nursing is an extremely important role and has very strict guidelines which must be followed. This will ensure accurate information and care is given at all times. By following the NMC code it will ensure that I am respectful of individuals and value people from all walks of life, always leading by example, being accountable for my actions and will always treat people fairly. Conclusion This assignment has looked at dimensions of health, and how different dimensions can have an effect on all of the dimensions, there are six different dimensions which range from emotional to physical, each one is of equal importance and if any one is impaired it can often influence health. An overview of a person who has MS has been given and what determinants affect this persons life, is it good or bad? Professional, legal and ethical principles have been looked at, also and the importances of how these come into play when a person is being nursed. Identifying how the assignment has enhanced a personal view of the nursing profession has also been discussed. It has been identified the importance of being accurate regarding care giving and in record keeping to ensure the best care is given at all times. References Brooker C, Waugh A and Watson R. Foundations of Nursing practice fundamentals of holistic care, 2007 Edinburgh Mosby Elsevier. Burgess M, Shedding greater light on the natural history and prevalence of multiple sclerosis British Journal of Neuroscience nursing January 2010 Volume 6 number 1 Corcos J and Shinck E Neurogenic Bladder second edition 2008 Informa Healthcare. Naidoo J and Wills J. Foundations for Health Promotion Third edition 2009 Edinburgh. Nursing and Midwifery Council The Code 2008 World health organization. (WHO) 1948 Preamble to the constitution, Geneva. [online] [13/11/2010]
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